KYQUNI Regjistrohuni Kėrko Punė  
Informatat e punėdhėnėsit
ITBM Solutions LLC

ITBM Solutions is a diversified company that provides a broad range of high-quality support services to government and commercial customer base. We provide engineering and installation, operations and maintenance, supply & delivery, base support services, logistics, transportation and IT & telecommunication services and solutions with the ability to provide in any part of the world on a hostile, war and a post war environment.

The management team draws over two decades of global commercial and operations experience, providing tailored solutions, across vertical markets, at any point in the business cycle. Our team utilizes industry specific best practices as the benchmark for its operational activities, with business management solutions provided on time and in budget - enabling clients to develop effective and efficient business operations within the region.

Kompania: ITBM Solutions LLC
Lloji i Kompanisė: Punėdhėnės
Personi kontaktues:
Industria: Telekomunikacion
Adresa: Emshir-Rexhep Krasniqi Pn.
Qyteti: Prishtinƫ
Kodi Postar:
Shteti: Kosovƫ
Tel: 049223046
E-mail: << Informatė e fshehur>>  [ Dėrgo mesazh privat] 
Regjistruar me: 22/10/2012
Gjithsejt punė tė shpallura: 10
Pėr momentin tė hapura: 4

Vendee e hapura tė punės nga kjo kompani:

 Data   Titulli   Kategoria e punės   Lokacioni 
22/07/2015 LMR Technicians Telekomunikacion Kosovƫ
31/05/2014 Mjeshter i Gjeneratoreve Inxhiniering Prishtine - Kosovƫ
31/05/2014 Teknik i Klimave Inxhiniering Prishtinƫ - Kosovƫ
19/02/2014 Ingjinier i Ndƫrtimtaris Inxhiniering Prishtine - Kosovƫ
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